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About selling at the New York Renaissance Faire

Over the next few pages, I'll try to get you through the details of working at the NY Renaissance Faire for us. The work isn't too difficult, so you don't have to worry about too much.

The sword cartWell, this is the cart. One of two that we operate at the fair. All the stock that isn't hung on the outside, is kept inside of it. You start with a certain amount per day, and come back to the booth if you need more. While it has good wheels, and it isn't too heavy, the grounds of the festival are sometimes uneven and covered in gravel. This can make travel difficult. Add to this large groups of people milling about, and it can make life a little unpleasant at times. Not to worry, though. Most of the time you will have plenty of time to travel from location to location, and it's understood if you run a little behind. Besides, there aren't that many times you will need to move on any given day.

That's the job. Some of the time you might be working in the booth instead of on the cart. This will depend on any number of things. It will help to be flexible. Easy enough so far.

Where to go from here? Well, go to the link for 'job details' for more about what the job entails, or go to 'costume guidelines' for do's and don'ts. And some specific costume info.

top o' the page for the links...

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